Dressing Culturescape

Dressing Chronology

Culturescape: Culture from which, we need to be escaped. You are thinking, what brought me to write a blog in this arena. Lets have a flashback…

You may have seen particular group of people specially women in particular attire regardless of their comfort all over the time and space, these group may be religious or some kind of orthodox created by some kind of conservative people.

Source: https://hindi.theindianness.com

I’m not asking, why it had been started, for that you may go through sourced link; I’m worried, why it is still in vogue? Though, it has been changed a bit in its way but stucked in some little transformed form which needs to carry to a women in her whole life particularly after marriage. These orthodox not only reduces the opportunities of women to grow and create their individual identity in this men dominating society but also kills their confidence to live their lives as they wish to live. They live their whole life in dependence of someone, before marriage their father and after marriage their husband.

How it would be uncomfortable to perform all the stuffs in these traditional attire to the women who is more likely suffer physical issues (Particularly during periods). Actually, idea of writing this blog came, when I was traveling in the train an saw the picture bit like below…

I saw, this women was selling some sort of nutcrackers and water bottles. Since, train stays just for a moment (about 5-10 minutes) in each station therefore she wanted to perform selling as fast as she could on the other hand train was highly crowded, so she also wanted to increase her sells as much as she could. She was really fast and furious but the only thing, was stopping her to perform her task as she wish is her traditional attire because of that she was struggling to walk fast and because there were no pocket in her dress, she had been keeping her money in her blouse again and again and taking out from that for giving change again and again. Do not misunderstand me, I was just observing and thinking, why the women only has to stuck in traditional orthodoxial attire? (as I noticed other man selling the same had dressed himself with comfortable one) There were not her father in law or husband’s elder brother was travelling in the same train. Then, I got to the point that, the culturescape has deeply rooted in her head therefore, even she was independently earning her every day’s meal (that I support, there is no work small or large and one should definitely strive for her/his individuality) was not thought of dress herself comfortably. This orthodox needs to be erased completely from the culturescape of belief system. I end up with the though, how comfortable it would be if she was wearing a cargo pant and inside t-shirt jacket with multiple pockets somewhat resembling to the following image (I know, you’re thinking about her affordability. And, therefore foundations and NGO’s like Clothes Box Foundations needs to be evolved, we all need to support them rather donating in so called PM Cares fund etc.)

Source: https://in.pinterest.com

Through, Western culture has already been evolved far before rest of the world and the whole world is following the culture evolved by western countries roundly whether its a case of their religious belief or dressing sense or languages. To know its root cause, I took a deep dive into the history and came-up with the conclusion that in a centuries ago British’s had visited all around the globe with the core strategy of B2B meetings resulting many countries started following their ideology a bit and this bit of ideology stared exploding over the planet bit by bit and see the results…

Their language (English) is now the International Language of the world. Their religion (Christian) has widespread followers over the planet and their way of dressing (Western wear) is getting popular among the people every single day. This all because of the flexibility the western culture offers you And, the culture continuously evolving.

This culture also taught us to wear comfortable, live comfortable! in the dimensions of time and space. This is how the notion of Uniform was developed to wear what suites to your intended tasks.

Numerous studies has been conducted in the field of medical sciences to understand the effect of dressing sense on patient and results were surprisingly fascinating that, what does doctor’s wear had significant role in healing of their patients. And conclusions drawn from these studies also applicable in various field of life. Therefore, it is suggested to dress according to the task you are gonna perform, don’t be stucked to the dressing culturescape…

Today, at one hand dressing culture needs to be transform from orthodox and at another hand it needs to be reform or just rethink from misled westernization, which means can be understood by following comparative images…

Collage 2.

Collage 1 and 2 are clearly showcase that, how it is important to dress yourself according to the environment you’re surrounded with.

In bikini you look hot at beach, In sari you look ethnic at temple, in mini skirt you look sexy at party, in jeans and t-shirt you look bold at tours and outings, in sorts you look seducing while sleeping, in slim fit and sport wear you look super strong and always young at playground, in salwar kameez you look beautiful at family gathering. Choice is yours. You may choose to look sparkling at best matched combination (collage 2) or may choose to misled combination (Collage 1).

Now, we’ve reached to the new era of dressing, where some of the orthodox of the society has started imposing the allegations like women dressing is responsible for rapes and ba bla bla. which is completely wrong, there is no such case study for that. And, some who gives the ideology that we are following a circle of growth and the corner of their conservative mind has been pictured the evolution of dressing somewhat resembling to following image…

Source: Internet

Actually, creator of this image and orthodox of the society are not familiar with the basic fundamentals of the curve of growth which always follow the growing mass curve not the cyclic curve, they are misconception about…

To make it clear, let’s go back to the thought of our ancestor, who used to have tail dense hairy skin somewhat resembling like monkey (that’s why Monkey’s are said to be ancestor of our) with time tail of homosapiens has been extinct (because we’d stopped using it), the same is happening with our body hairs, generation to generations reducing, because we are no more interested to carry those. For more clear picture of this hair evolution look at the picture…

Source: filmbeat.com

Look back to the picture ‘Evolution of Cloths” which is quite scientific upto 13 (last bikini girl) later (a women with woolen like hair in all over the body) is not quite possible. As we can not get back our tail, similarly we would not get those woolen like hair in our body again.

If, you think more consciously with wide open heart and limitless mind, you’ll end of with the fact that, the passion of being naked (not completely) has evolved the era of obsession of being fit and young forever.

There are the scientific concepts like “Biohacking” are also continuously evolving in modern culture to make you young forever. Let’s have a dive with one of my recent blog on ‘Biohacking’….

I just wanna end with the thought that, Do not worried about the dressing culture that evolving rather work on the evolvement of your growth mindset and futuristic thought process. Evolvement is the first stage to our growth and giving the right direction to it with right and broad mentality is our task…

Let the dressing culture and fashion industry reach the new heights where, every single human being standing with confidence in her/his best attire to take this planet upto new heights…

Rather, asking your child don’t do this, don’t do that. 

Swap, to the affirmations: Do try this/that with compliments like hey you’re good at this, you’re extraordinary in that based on your deep observations may change the whole game of their belief system.

~Pankaj Thakur

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