Women in lead

History says dominancy changes. Dinosaurs were the dominant species for nearly 165 million years, during a period known as the Mesozoic Era. Those had been extinct for almost 66 million years before the first humans began to make their mark [1]. Science shakes the hand with History in approval and says “One day, Robo-humans would replace Homo-sapians and take the dominancy from our hands”. This isn’t it. Even, while answering to a question on Quora Forbes website reported that, we already lost our dominance on Earth. Yes, you heard right. Let me make it clear: “In 2014, the number of mobile electronic devices surpassed the number of people. This is same with the robots. There are expected to be 31 million domestic robots in 2019, which is already far higher than the 2.6 million industrial robots projected for the same year”. And, you know the counting is not just increasing but compounding with years. The most interesting thing about these devices is they are upgrading not just updating and becoming smarter with time. You may take an example of Amazon smart home device Alexa, as much you spend time with her she understands you better with time. The ANN algorithm making it happen for her. AI, cloud computing, nanotechnology and blockchain based web 3.0 will change the complete game whether we believe or not but it will happen for sure. On the contrary, research says “Human population will stabilized around 11 billion [2] in year 2015 and it is showing decreasing trend decade by decade [3].

In between all, a transitional era will come. Yes, I am advocating about a ‘Female Dominating Society’. Yes, one day Robo-humans will be dominating species on Earth actually not only earth but other planet like Mars too. But, history & and science are jointly witnessed that, ‘when flow changes from laminar to turbulent a transitional state comes in between’. And, this would repeat for humans too.

Be it in Europe, America or India, society is dominated by male power, male chauvinistic. Society remained patriarchal. The females always remained contended at the behest of the mercy of their male counterparts. Mythological, historical stories and evidence in both occidental and oriental society establish that society was dominated by males. On the contrary, in the animal world, things are different in many species. Female species are dominant in their ecological world. The core psychological reason assigned for male being dominating the society was as “Men meant to be hard working, energetic, and more powerful, this is the reason that their activities mostly remained outside of their house, from agriculture to commerce. The females, on the other hand, by the composition of their physique, are delicate, tender and soft. Their body is fit to work which requires less physical energy [4] “. I said this psychological but their are proven research which says that ‘A male produces power output is about 0.068 kW whereas female generates power of 0.056 kW only’ (J. Sahay). I still call it is psychological under some special circumstances.

From generations we have seen a common locomotion that women are assigned to kitchen whereas men are in commerce, agriculture or any other outdoor profession. But, I am advocating for a complete swap in between the same. And. I’m not just sure about it but came with a complete file of witnesses and evidences which will lead you to the closure of a female dominating society or you can say a women led society…

 And, I strongly support! Our society needs this evaluation... 
  • Majority of cloud kitchen platforms e.g. Pizza Hut, Domino’s, McDonald’s, Zomato etc. are founded by males another amazing thing is if you Google ‘The top 10 greatest chefs of all time‘ you will find a list which shows not majority but all are males only. This is a clear signal that indicates our society is in the pivotal edge of a major shift.
  • If you say muscular strength lead us as an male dominating society for years lets understand it in a better way. Childbirth and menstruation cycle pain makes women superior than men in pain bearing capacity. There are studies which showed the result that part of the pain can not be beard by a men what a women experience during the childbirth. Where does the masculinity goes in such case.
  • Hidustan Times published a report busting a common myth that women are bad at wheels, researchers found that “women may actually be better and safer drivers than men’. On the other hand, male drivers are more dangerous on the road. These findings were published on the Journal BMJ. These findings will lead our society to the stage where we will have a huge work force of women riders and drivers whether it is a pilot or gig workers as bike riders or taxi drivers. This would be up to the total driver-less transport industry.
  • Research has shown that women often score higher on emotional intelligence or empathy tests than men. This ultimately means, women has higher Emotional Quotient (EQ) than men which concludes the fact that women are emotionally more stable and eventually made them highly capable for firm and bold instant decision making jobs. Although, recent studies has revealed that men on average have higher intelligence than women by 3-5 IQ points. Finding on Intelligence Quotient (IQ) makes men superior on research and innovation than women but this isn’t make male to behold the dominance in longer run.
  • Girls mature faster than boys, and girls’ brains are as much as two years ahead during puberty. In fact, neuro-imaging shows that, early on, the typical teen girl has a stronger connection between the areas of the brain that control impulse. On the other hand, among humans, women’s life span is almost 8% on average longer than men’s life span. This concludes that women has larger span of life on earth to live actually not just live but live with high level of EQ and maturity and sooner or later this lead women to lead this planet.
  • Women are more likely than men to be providing primary care to an aging parent (13% vs. 7%). And those who are not married (15%) are more likely than those who are married (7%) to provide most of the care to a parent. And, sooner or later world will understand statistics and there en era of taboo that says “Son carries on the lineage” will end.
  • In countries around the world, women are more likely to be diagnosed with depression and to attempt suicide. But, male suicide rate still several times higher than female. And, the big question is what is that making males in doing so? One key element is communication. It’s too simplistic to say women are willing to share their problems and men tend to bottle them up. But it is true that, for generations, many societies have encouraged men to be “strong” and not admit they’re struggling. It often starts in childhood. “We tell boys that ‘boys don’t cry. These all lead a boy child to grow with lower EQ and rest you know where it will take us…

Census 2011, shown increasing trend in overall sex ratio. This is an strong indication of a female dominating society…

  • This is well-known fact that mall, restaurants, showrooms, hotels and franchise outlets always prefer a women task force. Women are better in hospitality and dealing with costumers and their queries and this do not need any proof.
  • Even, in a medical care sector women are found superior. Because, love and care are inherently graced them by God.
  • At this point, I would like to re-share the story of women’s guts and strong personality that bollywood star Akshay Kumar shared on the stage of Edelweiss
Real incident by Akshay Kumar

I ask you to look at the following pi-chart, patiently…

And find your space in future! You’ll end up with the thought Our society is fast forwarding towards a ‘female dominating society’ or we are already close to it…

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