Our Vision of “New India” upto 2022 grass rooted by our visionary Prime Minister is very close to us: I’m gonna share with you and write to PM as well, How’s New India I wanna see. I’ve tried to embed your thoughts too…
One Nation One Tax :This is great reform to boost our economy and make the taxation simple, easy and accessible to every citizens of India. It has replaced about 17 different types of taxes. Just we need to make people aware of it and strictly work on policies to stop fraudulent. One Nation One Election: The idea of “One Nation, One Election” will prevent costly and lengthy elections. Media reports say that a whopping Rs 60,000 crore was spent in the 2019 Lok Sabha elections. (On a different note the 2019 election spending is roughly $8.5 billion, Whilst the combined presidential and Congressional election in the US in 2016 was $6.5 billion only). This will save our and and provide the full space to implement the scheme to the grass root level.
- One Nation One Education: Our earlier policies to make education easier by adopting State Board so more no. Of students could pass the examinations so, Govt. could show higher literacy% on paper was worst. Rather lowering the educational standards one should work on upscaling the teaching ability of teachers and learning ability of students. For this Centralization of education i.e CBSE and working on it to make it to meet world class standards should our prerequisite for school education and same is to be forwarded to higher education.
I want the New India as where no one ask me about my Religion, Cast and Category, if asked I could Answer as above. But, I desperately wish that these 3^ should not be mandatory (*) field of any type of certificate or documents. At least make these fields Optional. So that, we’ll ourselves cause the societal change as…Our young leader initiative.. … ….
Sneha Parthibaraja who fought years to erase (not to write) religion in academics certificate at least. I personally want such campaigns should me explored all over the country.
I wanna add on this is that even we should stop using Surnames or Gautras. In place of it we can write our mother name (not father). This will encourage Women Empowerment as an compliment.
I want New India, जात- पांत मुक्त, धार्मिक रूढ़िवादिता से मुक्त, सामाजिक विसंगतियों (जैसे कि दहेज़, तीन तलाक, हलाला इत्यादि) से मुक्त, अलगाववाद एवं आतंकवाद विमुक्त, जातिगत आरक्षण से मुक्त, छुआछूत विमुक्त, लिंग भेद एवम् रंग भेद से मुक्त एवम् जहां ग़रीब, पीड़ित, वांछित, शोषित, दलित, भिक्षावृत्ति जैसे शब्द ही आस्तिव विहीन हों जावें। हर घर को पीने का और हर खेत को सिंचाई का पानी, हर परिवार को छत, स्वच्छ ईंधन, स्वास्थ्य एवं शिक्षा
One Nation One Card: In order to make commuting easier, our Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the indigenously-developped National Common Mobility Card (NCMC) based on One Nation One Card Model.
This is revolutionary initiative to push the Digital India program.
I’m still futuristic, I strongly believe we can develop such an integral system in which we can embed all Data to costumer finger-prints and Irish & then, human itself as for all kinds of transaction and ID proofs. I’ve already submitted one document file to PM through MyGov.in years ago in detail.
One Nation One Identification: This is Game-changer if all the other doc’s (, PAN, Ration, Bahi, DL & ) in concerned with particular citizen is linked to it and make it as an integral and unique identity.
Since, we’ve already embedded fingerprints and Irish to this and then if we could succeed in linking everything other stacks of the people, then we’ll have world’s most strongest data of our citizen and then we can go for 100 % transparent citizen benefits schemes under Faceless Model in inclusion with Cashless and Paperless technology.
And then, we’ll have superb opportunity to develop a model to give reservation based on Financial situation rather Cast-ism.
One Nation One Ration Card : ‘One Nation One Ration Card’ scheme, which will allow portability of food security benefits, will be available across the country from July 1, 2020. This means poor migrant workers will be able to buy subsidised rice and wheat from any ration shop in the country, so long as their ration cards are linked to Aadhaar.
As we all know that we have signed on “Parish Agreement” According to which We’ve to create at least 33% forest area to mitigate the worldwide problem “Global Warming & Climate Change” on this note I wanna conclude this blog with the beautiful ‘GRIHA Approach for Green Building’
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