Bio Hacking

Today, at the age of 37, Ben has a biological age of just 20 – A profound 17-year difference right.

Sounds amazing na. Yeah! He is Ben Greenfield– A Bio-hacker of this planet.

Before going to deep into it, let me ask a simple but most fascinating question of the humankind revolution; Will you die one day? Ohh Sorry! That’s the ultimate truth. Let me ask the real question. What if, you die but without getting old? Still confused! Let me clear you what about am I talking. Let see, you are getting old okay but there is no ageing sign which could express that- how old are you? You’re a youth always. Your body, your face, your muscles, your energy nothing could explain about your age. Let me elaborate with examples and proven facts about this state-of-the-art technique – Biohacking.

What do you think? How old he is? Just 20 right. You’re absolutely right but in terms of his Biological age. He is now in his almost 40’s. Ya, his chronological age is 37. He is the man itself Bio-hacker of the planet- “Ben Greenfield” Whom about, I was talking in the start.

Before moving forward let’s understand these two phenomenon Chronological and Biological age.

You must be thinking, Yaar, we have two types of ages. Is this? So, from now; if someone asks me the same question how old are you? then, I should give two answers right. Like my biological age is this(what you may guess) but my chronological age is that.

Is this sounds funny? Ya! I know is it.

Ben and his team already have developed kind of techniques to measure your biological and chronological age separately.

Ben defines “Chronological age” is something which you tell people in day to day lives or you fill in your age proof documents, CV’s, Visa’s, passports and all. But, “Biological age is a totally different phenomenon. it is not the no. of years you’ve lived in this planet rather its the age of your muscles, rate of production and dyeing of tissues and something related to complex biology.


Let me share a small story, what I’ve heard from the mouth of my Grandpa’s and sometimes read in Indian Hindu Grantha’s says- Lords Rama never got older in ancient times when they have come on earth to play a role of dignity to leave the ideological footprint for the coming ages.

This sounds like, I’m deviating you from the point right! No. It’s not! If you dissertate, you’ll find- what our science is doing today has already done in those ancient era’s. Well, that’s another arena to be discussed at another time.

Biohacking technique is in its crown initiation stage of humankind analogous to Blockchain technology in computing age. And, I strongly believe one day will come on this planet when, Biohacking will flourish among homosapiens and Ya Blockchain too.

Let’s have a look, how Ben did it…

My mind came with the idea of writing a blog on it came at the worst time of this century. Maybe you’ve got the point. Ya! in Corona times. Because everyone has locked inside their home almost for a year. And, in this fugitive world, a small speed breaker (Corona) has sent the almost 43% people of the world under depression(Based on a report). These were the people who considered that they have lost one year span of their lives, Chronologically it’s true. But, its time to hack this lost year by adopting the technique of Biohacking. Do you know, what am I talking?

Chronological curve of life
Biological curve of life

Yes, this is possible that you born, come into your teen and be a youth and it just not up to your 20’s but it lasts forever. Your Biological clock is going to be struck at 20’s (20 to 29) forever no matter where your chronological clock has been reached, this is what, I tried to elaborate in above two graphs.

Okay; let’s first understand how you get older… video will elaborate you all the biological locha behind ageing. Watch it with extreme consciousness to understand, what’s science doing in this arena and what’s the future of Biohacking. above article too, for in-deep understanding the ageing phenomenon in detail.

Beyond this complex biology let me simplify it for you in a way, that I look it from my intellectual point of view…

90 to 95 of our body is made by the food we eat. only 5 to 10 % role is played by the exercises we do in transformation or shaping of our body(Research says). That means our body responses in accordance to the food we eat and hence food must have a huge impact on the rate of production and dyeing of the human cells and at the end, this rate of production and dyeing of cells is basically responsible for our ageing (as described in above studies).

I wanna link-up this with the energy-balance phenomenon of our body. As you all know, what we eat (carbs, fat etc.) ultimately terns into energy right. Han! fat produces energy @9kcal/gm while carbs produces just half of it (Based on some biology books). And, a common healthy human consumes about 21,000 kcal of energy per day based on the activities (Physical and Mental) he has done during the day (Ref. Biology book). But, there are some actually most of the days we do not burn the energy, what we had stored after eating the food and that surplus energy end of the day converts into cholesterol and body fat and this stored or surplus cholesterol and fat how leads you to not even for ageing but also towards death can be understood by reading my another blog hereunder…

What if, we do not take or reduces those food having higher content of cholesterol and fats especially highly oil-fried foods, if I become more specific the food fried in hard oilseed (containing 18-22 %oil) oil like soya bean oil which is extracted in pressure expellers using about 14 types of toxic (directly or indirectly) chemicals. With this, we can stop surplus cholesterol and fat in its initial stage of entering to our body.

Thereafter, I wanna come with the idea of evolving the kind of food habit that raw fruits and leafy vegetables become the 50+ % of your whole food plate, you eat (Though, Sadguru Jaggi Vasudev; Isha Foundation: insisted this % up to 30).

More often, you may have heard about film stars food habits that they usually prefer salad in their foods with this they are directly or indirectly following the notion of biohacking.

I wanna conclude this blog with the idea that, if could we could be able to maintain the energy production-consumption balance, cells production-death rate. Witch is possible by avoiding higher cholesterol and fat content food, fried food, higher salt and sugar containing items. And adopt the lifestyle full of energetic exercises and raw food eating habits. Its time to join the vegan community.

Ohh Ya! I forget to discuss about the catalyst involved in this state-of-the-art process of Biohacking; Koi gal na Yaaron! I’ll come with that too very soon.

Till then, See you. Bye-bye!

I wanna leave you with…

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